Client: Brick By Brick Ltd
Value: 46 million
Status: Completed
Addresses the pressing national need for housing, five intricate pavilions are harmoniously integrated within this verdant new parkland context. Ranging across 5-7 storeys, the scheme comprises market and social rented accommodation for Croydon Council.
We worked with the developer Brick by Brick, to deliver an ambitious 9,550 sqm with the original concept designs by Mary Duggan Architects. Notably, this development stands as one of BBB's most substantial ventures. The 157 new dwellings are a testament to our practice’s aspiration to provide considered, quality design regardless of typology or tenure.
The immediate context has remarkable characteristics, including it’s proximity to the Surrey Iron Railway Scheduled Monument. This 6,000 sqm setting with an 8m level change served as inspiration for delivery of the fully accessible landscape, including a children’s play areas, sensory trail and residents’ allotments.
To develop the meticulous technical designs we embarked on reflection refining and enhancing the original concept. Undertaking subcontractor engagement duties allowed us to rapidly respond to significant changes to fire regulations occurring after the initial concept was completed. The project was at the forefront of responses to new Building Regulations, creating an example of best practice for buildings over 18m through careful material specification.
A delicate projecting brick detail softens the overarching materiality, with three complementary brick colours used to provide differentiation between overlapping façades.
Completed in 2023, each block rotation carefully managed proximity and views, with its pavilion typology achieving more homes than originally envisaged possible. This unique plan arrangement generates efficient and spatially rich layouts with generous corner loggia set among the surrounding trees. This experience of continually re-engaging with the landscape from the interior spaces was key to the design.